
This is the place I try to make my creative visions match the physical world.. watch while I sometimes fail and sometimes succeed!

Monday, May 20, 2013

New Project - It's ON!

While the garden quilt is ongoing I did start a new project that is very exciting (at least to me!)

First though, I have ordered some fabric online and am very excited about the architextures line - of course I WORK in architecture and interior design, so this is not surprising! see fabric here
I also ordered two fun charm packs Reunion by Moda and Glamping by Moda.

So the new project is something I started many years ago. Todd owns a 4x4 samurai that is very identifiable as owned by him amongst a large group of people. Years ago I took one of his favorite photos of the samurai and using a program called  Quilt Assistant I attempted to make a quilt pattern out of the photo. It took many many hours of work and there were a lot of pieces. When I finally finished I printed out all the pieces (at my work printer tee-hee!) and then after I cut out all the pieces I discovered something was wrong with the numbering of the pieces. I was depressed and put it aside.
Shortly after we moved up north and gave the truck to a good friend of ours who needed a vehicle and who also built most of the samurai. I gave up on the project entirely, as what was the point?
Fast forward to last year when the friend didn't need the samurai anymore and we took it back. Todd had missed it to much and we decided we were never getting rid of it again. And with that my project was back online. In the time I had not looked at the program, the author of the software had updated the issues I had and fixed them so I reprinted everything and I was off to the races!

original photo

using the program software

Now the only issue I am having is keeping it a secret from you-know-who - he never comes into my sewing room unless I have this project out! -sigh! and also, there are many greys and black shades in this project and it's needed some adjustments to get rid of the many shades.. I just can't find that many shades!

So far, I've done the trees in the background and now I'm working on the truck!

Hands down, this is the hardest quilt I've done, but I'm also learning more skills then I can believe. I've sewn curves together, I've done paper piecing, I'm sewing directly onto black fabric to show motor parts underneath with the intention of going over it with black wool to make the pieces stand out in a sea of black. I've had to squeeze in some pieces where things did not look correct or something didn't fit right (oops!)
I'll get it eventually!

1 comment:

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